Today I attended a voluntary training for the Promethean Board in my room. I am soooo happy I went. First, I met more Cooper teachers! My Cooper teachers, like my Madison teacher friends, are ahead of the technology game. We were 90% of the attendees today! They love Diet Coke, Sons of Anarchy, and going out to lunch. Second, the training was super helpful. Our trainer, Amy Conger, was excellent and very knowledgeable. I am excited to start downloading flipcharts and making my own.
Tomorrow I head into my classroom where I have ONE MISSION: organize my books. Tammy and Paul were gracious enough to drive my books up to MN this week. I went quickly went through the boxes today and pulled ones that I thought my new firsties would read. Now it is time to organize them. I am modeling my classroom library organization after
the 2 Sisters. I have a lot of work to do.
On more thing...I ordered shelf liners for my bookshelves. They are in bad shape and I do not have the time to sand, paint, and repaint them. Pictures tomorrow!